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SliderBar™ Boxes and SliderBar™ Box Kits

Part Number UPC-A Trade Size Unit Pkg Standard Pkg
SL18 018997009296 12"-18" 25 25
SL18BKT 018997159014 N/A 50 50
SL18F 018997159021 12"-18" 25 25
SL1B18 018997009326 12"-18" 10 10
SL1B24 018997009210 15"-24" 10 10
SL24 018997009203 15"-24" 25 25
SL24F 018997159038 15"-24" 25 25
SL2B18 01899700933 12"-18" 10 10
SL2B24 018997009221 15"-24" 10 10
SLB101 018997009302 N/A 25 25
SLB102 018997009319 N/A 10 10

Additional Information

PLASTIC BOXES are rated for NM Cable, NMB-PCS and NMD90 in Canada. When using a METAL BOX SLB18 and SLB24 Kits are rated for MC,AC and FMC.

Bending guides on bracket ends assure proper positioning on studs.

Sliderbar and boxes sold separately SLIDERBAR/Box Kits include a single or two gang plastic box. Plastic boxes rated for NM Cable, NMB-PCS and NMD90 in Canada.

When using a metal box SLIDERBAR is rated for non-metallic as well as MC, AC and FMC cable. Metal boxes not included.