Arlington will be Closed for Presidents Day on Monday, February 17th
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Samples Terms and Conditions

By submitting a request for Arlington samples and literature, you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

  • You agree to receive e-mails and notifications about future Arlington product releases and promotions.
  • You may terminate said notifications by unsubscribing. Information directing you on how to unsubscribe will be contained in any future notifications and communications from Arlignton.
  • Arlington may not be able to fill some or all requests for samples due to limited product availability.
  • You may only order up to and including five (5) separate items on any one (1) order.
  • You may only order up to one (1) of any individual item, excluding product literature, such as catalogs, brochures, and/or specification sheets.
  • You agree that Arlington has the right to modify this agreement at any time without notification.

Please allow 3-5 business days for samples and literature to be shipped. Some shipments may be delayed due to product availability, inclement weather, holidays, etc. To request expedited service, please contact our samples department at 1-800-233-4717 ext. 3080; or, send an e-mail to and please include your order number.

Thank You,

Arlington Industries, Inc.